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<aside> <img src="/icons/user_brown.svg" alt="/icons/user_brown.svg" width="40px" /> Hello! I'm Robin, a Ph.D. candidate in Learning Sciences at McGill University. I am a member of the **Technology, Learning, and Cognition (TLC) Lab** led by Dr. Adam K. Dubé.
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My thesis focuses on theory-based design of digital games for building geometrical understanding of adolescents.
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I have over seven years of professional experience in creating and studying digital learning environments for children and teachers.
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I split my time between Montréal and New Delhi throughout the year. If you're in either city and fancy a chat about math, games, learning, give me a shout!
Open to collaborations and consulting.
Reach me at [email protected] or on LinkedIn.
Fun Fact: Winner of the the inaugural TLC Lab Video Game tournament.